Thunderbox Entertainment is a small team of seasoned developers who love board games.
We’ve made it our mission to search out the best board games in the world, and transport them from table-top to tablet.
What we do is a bit like the scene in Tron where Jeff Bridges gets zapped into a computer… but with less laser pain and more board game fun!
Put on your red shirt, and set phasers to “fun” because…
It’s the last 10 minutes of your favorite sci-fi TV show… except that this time things have gone seriously wrong and (spoiler alert) the captain Is dead!
Tsuro is now available on all good VR platforms!
Experience The Game of The Path like never before…
We’re always looking for a few good people to test out early versions of our games so that we can be absolutely sure they are utterly awesome.
If you’d like to help polish our board game apps to a glistening sheen, then sign up below!